How to step into abundance with the Healy

How to step into abundance with the Healy

As an entrepreneur, it’s always interesting to have several income streams. BUT, what I realised is that if these income streams are aligned with my business, then it’s so much easier. For it even makes more sense.

I am curious, do you have multiple income streams?

In this video, I talked about how to step into abundance with the Healy, sharing my personal experience as a somatic coach, dance instructor and dance therapist. And I unpacked the free Healy which I just got from the company.

Apprivoise ta peur

Apprivoise ta peur

Je rencontre tant de femmes qui me disent de se sentir bloquée et tétanisée à l’idée d’oser vivre leur mission de vie. Elles procrastinent et ne comprennent pas pourquoi, vu que leur plus grand désir est d’offrir au monde leurs dons. Elles ont envie d’aider, mais n’arrivent pas à se sentir à la hauteur.

Ainsi elles chassent une formation après l’autre, un diplome après l’autre. Et elles dépensent des fortunes, souvent toutes leurs économies.

C’est pourquoi j’ai fait 3 vidéos avec 3 exercices qui aide à apprivoiser la peur.

You don’t have to be perfect to share your joy

You don’t have to be perfect to share your joy

Most human beings don't get this:  What you have on the inside is reflected on the outside. It's totally mind bending and sounds backwards. You can hear this a 1000 times and think: yes, yes, sounds great. Or perhaps, this even sounds frightening. Because we don’t know what to do with this .

Let me give you two examples where this played out in my life:

You sense that you were meant for more

You sense that you were meant for more

Do you sense that deep inside that you are not were you are meant to be? Even if things are going very well in your life, career, whatever situation it might be but deep inside you just know that you are not really doing what you want. And you feel like you are struggling most of the time, trying to figure things out all by yourself..

Are you afraid of ghosts?

Are you afraid of ghosts?

In this video, I shared how uncomfortable I was when people talked to me about spirits, angels, or other entities that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Because when I was a kid, I had this big fear of ghosts. So everytime people mention angels or anything wowo, I would immediately shut my ears and get frustrated or afraid.

Magic happens when you raise your vibrations

Magic happens when you raise your vibrations

Have you ever heard of bioresonance devices? I’m sure you will be very interested in this topic if you are into the Law of Attraction and raising your vibration. The bioresonance device that I want to introduce to you is called Healy.

Everything is vibration. It is well known, that for example frequencies of sound (Music Therapy) affect every part of our body and it can have a healing effect, if the frequencies are healing and harmonising our bio-energetic field.

Evening ritual smudging

Evening ritual smudging

Today I want to talk about evening rituals. It took me quiet some time to set up a ritual in the evening.

Normally I would exhaust myself with everything I need to do in my (online) business and I would litterly fall asleep after dinner. Can you relate?

I would put in place a ritual, which would take up to one hour with the result, that I never took the time.

So here is a very easy and very effective ritual everybody can do to close the day .

The 7 anchors of Dervish Turning (for beginners) to connect to the Sacred Feminine

The 7 anchors of Dervish Turning (for beginners) to connect to the Sacred Feminine

Today I will teach you the 7 anchors to learn dervish turning. I discovered these anchors as I have been teaching dervish turning for over 20 years to women, who are not at all used to this kind of practice, with the result that they could turn for 20 minutes, without problems! These anchors are powerful and make it easy, as you will realise. They function on a subconscious level, inviting your thinking mind to collaborate, instead of pulling you apart from the connection to the divine.

Explanation of the Queen

Explanation of the Queen

As you all know, my theme for this month is to help you step into abundance. And if you are already a member of my Facebook group, you know I have recommended several books for you to read about abundance. So if you haven’t joined in my Facebook group yet, feel free to join us and you are welcome!

Les leçons de ta vie - un exercice

Les leçons de ta vie - un exercice

Voici un exercice qui te permet de comprendre tes leçons de vie. Une fois que tu les comprends, tu vas pouvoir les voir comment des perles sur ton chemin, et ce collier de perles de toute beauté, c'est à peu près la seule chose que tu vas pouvoir admirer et emporter au moment où tu seras arrivée au bout de ton chemin.