
Don’t make marketing so hard!

Don’t make marketing so hard!

In this video, I was talking about one easy form of marketing that I know of and how generous they are as a company that still amazes me.

There's no doubt about it, marketing is hard. It can be expensive, time-consuming, and frustrating. Perhaps, like me, you have been asked in so many marketing courses and have like a sequence of emails in your inbox. Until you feel overwhelmed when and what courses to begin with to excel your business.. It's quite challenging, and perhaps even complicated.

You sense that you were meant for more

You sense that you were meant for more

Do you sense that deep inside that you are not were you are meant to be? Even if things are going very well in your life, career, whatever situation it might be but deep inside you just know that you are not really doing what you want. And you feel like you are struggling most of the time, trying to figure things out all by yourself..

Are you afraid of ghosts?

Are you afraid of ghosts?

In this video, I shared how uncomfortable I was when people talked to me about spirits, angels, or other entities that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Because when I was a kid, I had this big fear of ghosts. So everytime people mention angels or anything wowo, I would immediately shut my ears and get frustrated or afraid.