What can we do to be in inner peace?

In this video, I was sharing how Healy helped me align with frequencies and experience the inner peace that I never had before.

When I was 19 I had a master, Prem Rawat; I still have this person very much in my heart. Then I promised to myself that I had to meditate two hours per day just to have a distance from noise & mind chatters but I could never do it, it was never easy. But then I forced myself to meditate for about one year, one hour a day. I could, yes, but I was expecting a sort of enlightenment but I still did not get it. That's a long time ago and there came a time in my life where I realized that meditating is not what I have to do, it is a privilege. 

So what does this have to do with Healy? Every morning, I scan my field using the Healy resonance program and then it tells me what frequencies would help me align to balance the frequencies in my body. Basically Healy is helping me on how to feel better all throughout the day. Then I realized the intention of raising my vibration is actually working. I am achieving more inner peace and abundance with little to zero effort because of Healy. It makes me so speechless. (Watch the video to hear more stories about my experience of Healy.)

Achieving inner peace is not a quick or easy process, but it is well worth the effort. By getting started with understanding your intentions, making changes in your life, and being patient with yourself, you can begin working towards a more peaceful existence today.


Oh here I am direct, I will put this here so you know what I will be speaking about

what's happening in my life and with the Healy. So I'm in Bulgaria and sitting here after breakfast

and feeling so much peace and yesterday, I was swimming in the swimming pool, I had this

I don't know flash or how do you call it and the sentence which came to me

was first a question and I would like to give this question here. What do you have to do

to be in peace? What can you do more of to have inner peace? I was swimming in the morning and

the answer came nothing. The question is not what can I do? It would more be what can I undo?

What do I no longer need?

And I was swimming with this big smile because if we are love, we are light.

If we are peace, we don't have to do anything not even sit down and meditate

and I have been learning way to go inside when I was 19 actually

and at that time I had a master, I still have this person very much in my heart it's Prem Rawat

and I promised this time when I learned these techniques to meditate two hours a day

and I could never hold even when I promised it something inside said you will never have

the time to do this so I already felt like whoa and indeed came a time in my life when I

forced myself to meditate for about one year, one hour a day and I could. I didn't

have any experience which I was expecting a sort of enlightenment I didn't have this.

But I realized my day would be different probably as you go in silence then you just

get on a frequency, you just switch everything out, switch down and if it is for one hour it is

an exercise, you practice it then you feel it more but it is also a way of not being in the noise,

not being even in the inner noise just being able to have a distance from even the mind chatter.

So that's a long time ago and there came a time in my life where I just said okay just

realized meditating is not what I have to do, it is a privilege, where I can sit with this

beautiful peace inside with this feeling. So what does this have to do with the Healy

would you say because I wanted to tell about that. The Healy, I've been using it for six

weeks. Healy is coming with frequencies; in the morning, I scan the field and then it

tells you what frequencies would help you align. So it's also focusing on these frequencies

and what I realized I can feel the frequencies, I realized that my intention on higher my vibration

and putting my intention more and more often there and getting also these frequencies

It's like if you take three showers a day or something if you are swimming all the

time in noise and it matter what it is and what this did for me is I could more and more just

walk through my day and feel this delicious peace, be present to it much more and this is

delicious. It's just makes me just like speechless and it does come for me this is the container

I found so I can help other women through the Healy, through using the Healy perhaps through

inspiring working with the clients with the Healy to just have this more presence

and just being more themselves for one second a day, two seconds a day, one hour a day.

You don't need to measure it in time because it's so strong if you have one setting like this in

your day, you will remember this the whole day. It's so so so so so precious I cannot explain

but for me I found this container to this way to do it because it also comes with abundance.

It is like you do have if you use it and you inspire clients and people to use it comes

with a second stream of income so you get into this abundance you have been probably dreaming

about. Because it's all vibration, highering vibration also I didn't want to make this so long.

The ego, I should do a second.

Ingrid has been in my dance class so, yes, you know what I do? When I give

this classes Shandora dance your life classes, I let the the Healy vibrate for the group it's

just amazing. So my husband just called me, I'm here in Bulgaria, I'll show you.

I didn't tell him that I'll be doing a Facebook live or what is it Instagram live I'm leaving,

we have to leave go to Sozopol, strange names here. See you soon.