Dervish tourneur - la technique en 10 points

Dervish tourneur - la technique en 10 points

​​La technique de rotation, inspirée des derviches tourneurs, offre une expérience profonde et multifacette, touchant à la fois le plan spirituel, émotionnel, guérisseur et physique. Sur le plan spirituel, tourner crée un état de transe méditative, permettant d'atteindre des niveaux de conscience plus élevés et de se connecter à la source divine.

Embracing the Invisible: A Journey from Skepticism to Spiritual Awakening

Have you ever found yourself grappling with fear or skepticism towards the unseen realms of spirituality? It's a journey many of us embark on, often without even realizing it. Today, I want to share with you a personal story of how I confronted my own doubts and fears, and ultimately embraced the beauty and wonder of the spiritual world.

Unlock the Sacred Dance that Your Body Craves

Is your body yearning for a sacred dance practice?

You see, often we go through life not fully understanding what our bodies truly desire. We may engage in fitness routines, swimming, or even performances, all in pursuit of physical well-being and fulfillment. And while these activities serve their purpose, there's often a lingering feeling, a sense that something is missing.

Easy exercise to experience love and light

Easy exercise to experience love and light

*Exploring Dervish Training:*

In our recent class, we delved into the art of Dervish turning, a dance form that goes beyond mere physical exertion. It's a dance that spins not only the body but also the spirit. As we twirled, a captivating theme emerged – connecting with the sacred feminine.

*Exercice: Visualizing the Sacred Feminine:*

The highlight of the session was a beautiful exercise that transported us into a column of light. Picture standing in the midst of whirling energy, a cocoon of love and light. The goal was to immerse ourselves in this radiant space, feeling protected and surrounded by positivity.

Why the exercice "The Dance of the Queen"

Why the exercice "The Dance of the Queen"

In this video, I explain what the exercise “The Dance of the Queen” is all about and why it is so important.

You see, most of my students don’t realize how powerful dance is. They don’t know, that they are practicing the most ancient , sacred art form, which is the Oriental Dance. They come for the fun of it and also, because it looks easy. Little do they know about the deep deep transformation, which this dance will operate in their system.

Unraveling the Dance of Entanglement: Finding Inner Peace and Healing

Unraveling the Dance of Entanglement: Finding Inner Peace and Healing

As I navigate through the winding roads of life, I wanted to share a profound reflection on a concept that often goes unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of our daily existence – entanglement. Today's inspiration came to me while driving, observing the way cables entangle with each other, much like the intricate threads of our own lives.

In the midst of this entangled dance, I couldn't help but draw parallels to the way we, as human beings, become intertwined with the world around us. From our early days, where innocence reigns and energy flows freely, to the complexities that arise as we grow older, entanglement becomes a silent force shaping our interactions and relationships.

Don’t make marketing so hard!

Don’t make marketing so hard!

In this video, I was talking about one easy form of marketing that I know of and how generous they are as a company that still amazes me.

There's no doubt about it, marketing is hard. It can be expensive, time-consuming, and frustrating. Perhaps, like me, you have been asked in so many marketing courses and have like a sequence of emails in your inbox. Until you feel overwhelmed when and what courses to begin with to excel your business.. It's quite challenging, and perhaps even complicated.

The healing power of a sisterhood and what it has to do with the Healy

The healing power of a sisterhood and what it has to do with the Healy

As a Dance Teacher and Sacred Feminine Somatic Coach, I know firsthand the importance of community. And when it comes to healing, I believe there is great power in sisterhood.

When I started my business, Shandora in 2015, I had a sort of strange difficult time on how to run a business. I was quickly overwhelmed with the paperwork, marketing, and day-to-day management.

About feeling lost

About feeling lost

We've all been there before. We're in a new city, trying to get to our hotel or Airbnb, and we're completely lost. The first thing we do is ask someone for directions, or pull out our phone and open up Google Maps. Why? Because we need to know where we are in order to get where we want to go. The same can be said for our life path or Dharma.

So, how do you find your purpose?

Les 12 nuits d'hiver du 24 décembre au 6 janvier - ancien rites germaniques

Les 12 nuits d'hiver du 24 décembre au 6 janvier - ancien rites germaniques

Le 24 décembre est le premier jour de 12 dur nuits d'hiver, les "Rauhnächte", qui , selon une lointaine tradition germanique sont un moment plein de magie entre deux mondes: celui de l'ancien et celui du nouveau.

On dit que ces jours hors du temps, ont une grande force magique.Hors du temps, car pour équilibrer les 12 mois lunaires (354 jours) et les l'année solaire (365 jours), les celtes rajoutèrent 11 jours. 2x 6 jours pour lâcher ce qui fut.

Mother Earth and Sunshine

Mother Earth and Sunshine

I have always been interested in healthy eating. It started when I was 13 years old and freaked out about becomming fat. As I came to understand later in life, in my family there is a generational trauma about starving and filling an emotional void with food. It's also about escaping from parental control. Perhaps you can relate?

It took me over 40 years to become aware of this and start my healing journey.

All Saints Day, Halloween, Samhain

All Saints Day, Halloween, Samhain

The picture is from last year. This year I have not been to the grave of my father and grandmother in Germany.

Up to now, I did not especially like Halloween, because I don't like everything having to do with horror. I never watch horror films and honestly, I don't understand why people so much like those films. Why would I put pictures in my head, that frighten me, reminding me in real life even if there is no danger? The subconcious does not make the difference between real and imagined. So why putting more crap in there, than already is? I don't get it. I even close my ears, when creepy music comes on.

Do you love Halloween? Did you go to a graveyeard to honor your ancestors?

My story from recovering from the big C with the help of frequencies

My story from recovering from the big C with the help of frequencies

I want to tell you my story of how it went when I got the Big C and healed myself with the help of frequencies and the Healy which I'm wearing on the video.

It is the second time that I got it because I already had it last year . I was very sick for two weeks just lying in bed, not being able to even get up . I had fever for 2 weeks and the consequences afterwards took quiet some time for me to recover.

How to step into abundance with the Healy

How to step into abundance with the Healy

As an entrepreneur, it’s always interesting to have several income streams. BUT, what I realised is that if these income streams are aligned with my business, then it’s so much easier. For it even makes more sense.

I am curious, do you have multiple income streams?

In this video, I talked about how to step into abundance with the Healy, sharing my personal experience as a somatic coach, dance instructor and dance therapist. And I unpacked the free Healy which I just got from the company.

Apprivoise ta peur

Apprivoise ta peur

Je rencontre tant de femmes qui me disent de se sentir bloquée et tétanisée à l’idée d’oser vivre leur mission de vie. Elles procrastinent et ne comprennent pas pourquoi, vu que leur plus grand désir est d’offrir au monde leurs dons. Elles ont envie d’aider, mais n’arrivent pas à se sentir à la hauteur.

Ainsi elles chassent une formation après l’autre, un diplome après l’autre. Et elles dépensent des fortunes, souvent toutes leurs économies.

C’est pourquoi j’ai fait 3 vidéos avec 3 exercices qui aide à apprivoiser la peur.