
Unraveling the Dance of Entanglement: Finding Inner Peace and Healing

Unraveling the Dance of Entanglement: Finding Inner Peace and Healing

As I navigate through the winding roads of life, I wanted to share a profound reflection on a concept that often goes unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of our daily existence – entanglement. Today's inspiration came to me while driving, observing the way cables entangle with each other, much like the intricate threads of our own lives.

In the midst of this entangled dance, I couldn't help but draw parallels to the way we, as human beings, become intertwined with the world around us. From our early days, where innocence reigns and energy flows freely, to the complexities that arise as we grow older, entanglement becomes a silent force shaping our interactions and relationships.

Evening ritual smudging

Evening ritual smudging

Today I want to talk about evening rituals. It took me quiet some time to set up a ritual in the evening.

Normally I would exhaust myself with everything I need to do in my (online) business and I would litterly fall asleep after dinner. Can you relate?

I would put in place a ritual, which would take up to one hour with the result, that I never took the time.

So here is a very easy and very effective ritual everybody can do to close the day .