
Unraveling the Dance of Entanglement: Finding Inner Peace and Healing

Unraveling the Dance of Entanglement: Finding Inner Peace and Healing

As I navigate through the winding roads of life, I wanted to share a profound reflection on a concept that often goes unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of our daily existence – entanglement. Today's inspiration came to me while driving, observing the way cables entangle with each other, much like the intricate threads of our own lives.

In the midst of this entangled dance, I couldn't help but draw parallels to the way we, as human beings, become intertwined with the world around us. From our early days, where innocence reigns and energy flows freely, to the complexities that arise as we grow older, entanglement becomes a silent force shaping our interactions and relationships.

Don’t make marketing so hard!

Don’t make marketing so hard!

In this video, I was talking about one easy form of marketing that I know of and how generous they are as a company that still amazes me.

There's no doubt about it, marketing is hard. It can be expensive, time-consuming, and frustrating. Perhaps, like me, you have been asked in so many marketing courses and have like a sequence of emails in your inbox. Until you feel overwhelmed when and what courses to begin with to excel your business.. It's quite challenging, and perhaps even complicated.

The healing power of a sisterhood and what it has to do with the Healy

The healing power of a sisterhood and what it has to do with the Healy

As a Dance Teacher and Sacred Feminine Somatic Coach, I know firsthand the importance of community. And when it comes to healing, I believe there is great power in sisterhood.

When I started my business, Shandora in 2015, I had a sort of strange difficult time on how to run a business. I was quickly overwhelmed with the paperwork, marketing, and day-to-day management.

My story from recovering from the big C with the help of frequencies

My story from recovering from the big C with the help of frequencies

I want to tell you my story of how it went when I got the Big C and healed myself with the help of frequencies and the Healy which I'm wearing on the video.

It is the second time that I got it because I already had it last year . I was very sick for two weeks just lying in bed, not being able to even get up . I had fever for 2 weeks and the consequences afterwards took quiet some time for me to recover.

You don’t have to be perfect to share your joy

You don’t have to be perfect to share your joy

Most human beings don't get this:  What you have on the inside is reflected on the outside. It's totally mind bending and sounds backwards. You can hear this a 1000 times and think: yes, yes, sounds great. Or perhaps, this even sounds frightening. Because we don’t know what to do with this .

Let me give you two examples where this played out in my life:

You sense that you were meant for more

You sense that you were meant for more

Do you sense that deep inside that you are not were you are meant to be? Even if things are going very well in your life, career, whatever situation it might be but deep inside you just know that you are not really doing what you want. And you feel like you are struggling most of the time, trying to figure things out all by yourself..