Mother Earth and Sunshine

I have always been interested in healthy eating. It started when I was 13 years old and freaked out about becomming fat. As I came to understand later in life, in my family there is a generational trauma about starving and filling an emotional void with food. It's also about escaping from parental control. Perhaps you can relate?

It took me over 40 years to become aware of this and start my healing journey.

Today I focus on health from another perspective. It's no longer about loosing weight, or staying slim. It's about loving my body, managing my energy and connecting to mother earth.

I came to realise how important it is, when you want to live from your dharma, to be in high vibration , healthy, healed from former trauma, conscious and know how to manage your energy and your thoughts.

This naturally became the second pillar of my method, Shandora.

Because, when you neglect your physical and mental health, you will be able to stay in business for a very limited time. Soon you will burnout, will fill up with resentment and will not attract the right clients.

Learning marketing will not help. On the contrary. If you are not investing in your identity and your well-being, any marketing strategies will just drive you further away from success. Because you will start thinking "What am I doing wrong? I am not good enough. Why do I not have success compared to my pears?"

Yes, so the second pillar of my method is all about well-being.

In the photo you see me with a green box. This is chlorophyll power at it's best. I take a teaspoon every day.

Do you know about the power of cholorphyll? If not, here is some information:

Spirulina is a blue-green alga that became famous after it was successfully used by NASA as a dietary supplement for astronauts on space missions. This alga has a long history of use as food and it has been reported that it had been used during the Aztec civilization.

Chlorella is among the most ancient microalgae species used in the human diet and its commercial utilization was introduced in 1961 by Nihon Chlorella Inc. in Japan. Chlorella was initially cultivated for its use as a health food particularly because it was found to contain beta-1, 3-glucan, a substance that supports healthy immune function.

Kelp is a type of large brown seaweed that grows in shallow, nutrient-rich saltwater near coastal fronts around the world. It is a natural source of B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, D and E. It is also quite mineral rich providing zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper and calcium. In fact, it contains the highest natural concentration of calcium of any food—10 times more than milk.

Watercress is a member of the brassica family of vegetables, which also includes kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage. These are known for their ability to maintain health despite exposure to environmental and food-borne carcinogens by protecting DNA from genotoxicity, which has been demonstrated in many experiments using animal models. Watercress is an often-overlooked leafy green that packs a powerful nutrient punch. Once considered a weed, it was first cultivated in the UK in the early 1800s but is now grown in watery beds throughout the world. Watercress is particularly rich in vitamin K, with one cup supplying 100% of the recommended daily intake for this fat-soluble vitamin. In addition, it is mineral rich, particularly in the bone-supporting minerals calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, so it is a powerhouse for supporting bone health as well.

And these are just 3 of the 10 plus powerfoods contained in the Green Medley I take.

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