Shandora - Dance Your Life

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The healing power of a sisterhood and what it has to do with the Healy

As a Dance Teacher and Sacred Feminine Somatic Coach, I know firsthand the importance of community. And when it comes to healing, I believe there is great power in sisterhood.

When I started my business in 2015, I had no idea how to run a business. I was quickly overwhelmed with all I had to learn on marketing, and struggled with the day-to-day management, not talking even about how to get clients….

I first heard "Money comes from the Universe” by my mentor, Jim Fortin, talking about how to manifest money and the spiritual side of abundance. When I first heard that, I did not understand it at all. I just simply had never been seeing it this way and until then, nobody ever told me. Yes, I saw the film “The Secret”, but I still did not get it.

But with time, things have changed and now I am on a mission to help other women to make money.

I have to say, that since I discovered multilevel marketing, I am particularly impressed by what is possible in this field. The Healy does a great job for that providing an amazing product that has uplifts health and well-being and a fabulous opportunity for women to join forces and build something amazing together.

One of the things I love most about the Healy community is that it is global. No matter where you are in the world, there is always someone to connect with whether you're looking for support, advice, or just someone to share your Healy journey with. And because the Healy community is online, you can connect with other women 24/7. That's a level of support that is hard to find outside a sisterhood.

Healy gives me an opportunity to meet like-minded women from all over the world. We would do a Healy Business Reel challenge together, support and learn from each other so that I always feel refreshed, inspired, and motivated to continue growing my business.

When I work with women and gather together in my dance class and sacred healing cercles, something magical happens. We raise the vibration of the entire group just by being in each other's presence and experience danced healing meditations. I believe that's the power of sisterhood and I ind the same in the Healy community! We experience the energy as a group, as a sisterhood.

If you're a woman in business, I hope this inspired you, if not yet done, to get into sisterhood. Building a supportive community is essential to your success both personally and professionally. And if you're looking for an opportunity to be part of something bigger, I invite you to explore the Healy business model. With its global reach, Healy offers everything you need to take your business to the next level while surrounded by strong, inspiring women.

So I invite you to join my online dance classes and book your Healy discovery session (in English)! 👇🏼

And if you’re interested to know more about the Healy, you can contact me or check their website. 👇🏼 I can’t wait to hear from you, Magic Woman! 🤍


Day 11 of the Healy business reel challenge and I want specifically to talk about this challenge

and more specifically about the healing power of a sisterhood or a community but

as a dance teacher and a sacred feminine coach and energy healer I do work only with women and I

experience that building a sisterhood is something profoundly healing for western women.

And when I bought the Healy, I did not know that that I would enter such an amazing sisterhood

it's not as the Healy would be only for women but there are so many beautiful women in

this community that I experience it like a sisterhood and the woman in this community

are of all different walks of life but most of them or a lot of them have already been using the

Healy for some time and also they of course you resonate with the Healy when you buy it when you

are interested in so perhaps you are listening here to me and you are wondering what is this

Healy thing? Why is she talking all the time about the Healy?

Is Gudrun not the dancer, somatic coach? Is she not an energy healer? and what is about this thing?

Yes this is an interesting question. How does it fit in? When you have your practice, your coaching

practice perhaps you are a dance teacher, you are a yoga teacher, you are perhaps a coach, a therapist

whatever it is and you use the law of attraction you work or you know already about the vibration

and frequencies perhaps you read a thousand books then you will probably feel as I did

this is something I have to look into and this is the feeling I had no clue

that it would be so much going beyond only me doing the scans and then getting the frequencies

and experiencing these frequencies actually the realm of frequencies I thought I knew already so

much about it but wow, this is a universe where I can like learn forever. So the community

has this potential like we are doing this a reel challenge here

because with the Healy comes aside where you can benefit of the community and the business

side of the Healy. So me typically when I started my business in 2015,

as a Shandora I developed my method and I became a coach, a somatic coach, I had a sort of

strange difficult time with the business side and then with time of course it's already like seven

years ago, I understood that money is an energy as Jim Fortin my mentor says yeah money

comes from the universe. First time I heard this it sounded to me like what is he talking about? But I

would highly recommend to you listen to Jim Fortin by the way and with the Healy, it is so effortless to

just talk about the Healy. I don't have to sell it and if you are interested in Healy

and you tell me okay Gudrun, I'm not interested in the business side. Yeah, okay fine you know what

it's not like even a business because when you use this Healy naturally you will want to talk to

your friends, to your family and everybody will be curious and then you naturally will be

so fond of this thing because you just feel it in your body, you feel it in your energy, you

get into this place where you do have this inner peace, you can scan the coaching, scan so you

see your inner blockages it's just amazing and then the community which comes with the Healy is

helping you if you have a question about the Healy you go to the community and they answer it. If you

need help or if you like feeling like okay I had this scan, now I don't know how I feel?

And then you have this wonderful community of I would say luminous beings. They are so beautiful

from the inside also from the outside I don't know have a look at the community.

I think there are so so amazingly beautiful people in there and you get this support so

if you say I'm not interested in the business side you will not be interested because it will come

just to you and then you will not say no. So if somebody is interested in the Healy

because you just cannot stop talking about it then you will say okay this is how it went from

me Gudrun recommended the Healy to me she did demonstration or a discovery session. I

just loved and I just knew that I wanted it for me. So if you want it for you, I'll show you how it works

just decide yourself and I'll give you the link where you can buy it and then this will be your

partner, your affiliate link and then the company will send you some money. This is how it works.

Have you ever seen something so easy, so easy without effort or

being heavy? Because as a coach and a therapist perhaps you experience this yourself. How many

of these women in online business I work with? How many of them? And I have been there myself

is close to burn out. A lot of women I work with they are either not having enough

clients, either overdoing and overthinking things, they are into perfectionism or they

don't trust themselves so have not yet even launched their business and they are still

having a job, having been through a burnout in the job, going back to the job but still not

there to launch their own business and when this happens you either need the support of coach,

you need a support of a community and the Healy can be a very very very strong pillar and support but

as the Healy comes with the community and the Healy gives you this possibility of abundance, of

stepping into abundance and building your own community, there is so much magic coming with it.

So in this challenge we have been doing, I was very challenged actually because

this is a live, this is easy for me to do but after the live I'll try to do a little real

because I don't know the Instagram and Facebook and whatever they are just boosting if you are

doing reels, they are boosting it. So you get much more view many views and this is a challenge for

me but you know this is what we did, we did it in a group and then every day we were like excited and go

and see what you have been doing and I get very inspired and sometimes it was like I don't

know like a butterfly on the nose. Jessica did this I think.

Yeah, so we did this in the group and it was really wonderful in the whatsapp group we were

like yeah, what did you post? and it's just 11 days which is not so long but it really helped me to

be a little bit more before how do you say this in English? Do things quicker when it

comes to reels because I need to use an app and learn to do this etc.

That's so funny, it's my son. So and this is my son watching I'm just forgetting what I wanted

to talk about, Okay, so, what I wanted specifically to say is that the Healy is not only the

frequencies which is wonderful it's coming with an amazing community which is also wonderful and

if you are interested in these frequencies and there's a whole new world opening up and

it is just absolutely amazing. So if you want to know more about it then you can just send me a

message, you can put a comment under this video

and you can put a comment under the video and then we can talk

together about it. What I want to say one more thing about the Healy is the healing power of

sisterhood is that when I work with women, we do this through dance online and offline in Brussels.

We just dance together, we experience things together I do like guided meditation and dance

meditations it's my own very special method which I developed it's called Shandora. It is

somatic coaching through dance perhaps you have never experienced it then I will invite you to a

discovery session or when I launch it in English end of September, just join my class. We experience,

we go through a sort of path together and you experience the energy as a group, as a sisterhood

and we all together hold each other the vibrations high and support each other if there is one woman

who is feeling hurt, she will receive the energy of everybody or if we are just like full of joy

and full of enthusiasm, it multiplies because we are all together in it and what I experienced as

I offered these discovery sessions with the Healy to all my dance students in Brussels

is that you can go so much deeper into everything you could just experience

without even perhaps talking about it in your body, in your energy. The Healy is scanning your field

so when I work one-on-one with these women and we had our dance classes, our

somatic coaching dance classes connecting to the sacred feminine, the magic was just more

how do you say this in English? Even from the Healy you get a PDF,

Healy put words on things what you could perhaps not even find yourself.

So it was really a very very beautiful experience to do this also the

Healy comes with this device and you have the MagHealy. MagHealy is a thing like

big like this you can put the frequencies for groups, for places and water on other

things, you can look into this I would highly recommend this to everybody who

needs or wants to higher the vibrations of a place what better place can it be if you are

doing a dance class or therapist or yoga class I will do this also. So this is

what I wanted to share it's the last day of this challenge. I'm very very very grateful

that I have been pushed to do it and all the beautiful people in this community who did it who

we were liking each other posts and commenting I discovered a lot of beautiful women because I took

the time to listen to them as you are doing now thank you very much for this and this is what

I wanted just to share to close it all up and I hope you are having a wonderful time. Thank you

very much for listening I don't know if you get something out of it please let me know if you

experienced sisterhood, if you did like sister circles or if you are highering

your vibrations through dance, through connecting to the sacred feminine, just put a comment here

it would be very grateful for you to do this. I know Jacqueline is still watching, Jacqueline is

doing this and she clears the course with me in Brussels so

this is beautiful and she also has a Healy, look her up. Let's talk about the Healy, let's

talk about sacred feminine, let's talk about highering vibration, let's talk about dance,

let's talk about somatic coaching so many things. If you have any questions about these subjects

just let me know and I'll do another live soon. I wish you a very nice evening, see you soon.