About feeling lost

We've all been there before. We're in a new city, trying to get to our hotel or Airbnb, and we're completely lost. The first thing we do is ask someone for directions, or pull out our phone and open up Google Maps. Why? Because we need to know where we are in order to get where we want to go. The same can be said for our life path or Dharma.

So, how do you find your purpose?

You may not know exactly what your purpose is right away. Reaching your purpose doesn't have to be perfect, but it should give you a general idea of the steps you need to take to get from point A to point B. If you're feeling lost, chances are good that you don't have all the answers. That's okay! Part of the journey is figuring out what works for you and what doesn't. As long as you're moving in the right direction, eventually you'll get where you want to be.

One of the best ways to start is by paying attention to the things that make you feel most alive and content. Like what are the activities that make you lose track of time? Anything which may connect you to your higher self. For example me, I always thought my connection comes to sitting in meditation but it didn’t work that much. Yes, being in silence is very good for me and very healthy for my brain but my connections come or my downloads come very often with dance, with my method Shandora.

So find out what connects you, might be walking in nature, listening to music,dancing, writing etc., then practice and ask yourself what techniques that helps you lead to your purpose. You don’t have to be hard on yourself. Remember, there is no one right way to do things. Part of the journey is about trial and error; eventually, with enough persistence,you will find your way.

Don't wait until tomorrow to start living your best life—purposeful or not! Go out there and seize the day. Take the time to figure out where you are and where you want to be, and then forge ahead with confidence knowing that YOU are the captain of your own ship!

If you want me to help you with your path of life and connect to your higher self, just take my free appointment “Rdv with your potential”. Click here.


Hello in my today's swing talk I would like to talk with you about the fact that

getting lost and feeling lost normally when we travel and we want to go places

the first thing we do we know where we are, we know where we want to go so, we have an address and we

have a map and if we don't have a map even if we walk around we can always ask people do you know

the address but how does it look like inside? this is where it becomes very interesting actually because

when you want to walk on path of your life and you are following your

mission, if you feel called for something then you need first thing clarity you need to know

at least the direction you need to have a vision where you want to go you need to let you know

sort of address because otherwise- and this is what very often happened when you were young

when you're so young when you don't know yourself during even studying at the university it's like

I don't know what I- who I want to be I have no clue I don't know myself and this is when young

adults they have to choose which path to choose and it's very depressing and difficult but it's

because you need to know yourself so how do you do when you don't know yourself because that means

you have no you have no direction you have no address and then you start asking everybody "Do

you know where I want to go?" No, I don't know where you want to go you have to figure this out so how

can you do this and this inside address where you want to know it's not clear where you cannot

see your path. And you know what most of the time we don't know or even if we have a clue of where

we think we are sometimes it's too hard to admit, sometimes it's too painful to have look how far I've become

or even worst sometimes we make it painful, and we make it hard, and we make it with something

we are at Point A and we always think we should already be at point B

So asking everybody "Where should I go? What is my mission?" Does this help? It will normally get

you more confused so how- what can you do to walk on this path of life without having this address

without really having a map without having people you can really ask what can you do so what you

can do and this is where it gets very beautiful is just sit a little bit in stillness or do anything

which may connect you for example me i always thought my connection comes to sitting in

meditation and it didn't didn't so much of course being in silence is very very good for me

very healthy for my brain but my connection

comes my downloads come very often with dance with my method Shandora. So find out what connects you,

might be walking in nature, listening to music dancing, writing there are so many techniques

and then practice this these techniques and ask yourself and write and write and write or dance

and dance and dance walk and walk swim and swim whatever you can do and then you will

for example standing in the shower most of us know this and you will receive messages now do this now

you feel like you do this just follow follow like the breadcrumbs with Hansel and Gretel, just follow

because the inside map is unfolding when you step with each step and it is very beautiful so you can

have an issue but you will not know exactly the path perhaps you will not be able to go

straight this needs some training to be able to not get distracted I didn't really get too special

so don't be so hard on you just know that the inner part is not like the outer world where

you can everybody everything is already done every country is known every town is known and

you eat somebody somebody made this map but for your own farm there is no map nobody can do it

but you and when you look back you will know your math and you will know that this part of life

that there are inner developments every human being is doing so when you look back

and you see "Oh I see what I did. Oh how beautiful. thank you angels, thank you light for guiding me, thank

you for having all the lessons on myself" and then you might be able probably will

be able to help people who are just behind- not behind

on their path and you can help them and say "It's okay, relax, it's all okay, you're learning

just to give a little clarity perhaps this is all we can do so people to be able to cleanse inside of their own

they must listen on their own path and everybody has own dharma so everything is okay, everybody is learning

and this is what is so beautiful it's exploration of a completely new world every day

so this is my reflection on half of life and the map of life and if you have any thoughts about it or any questions

if you want me to help you with your path of life so you can just accept it, live it in the fullest

trust yourself, connect to this higher self if you want help, I am here go to my website and

take an appointment and then talk to see where you stand where you want to go and

then I can help you to get a vision and start waliking so thank you very much see you soon