Shandora - Dance Your Life

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Don’t make marketing so hard!


In this video, I am talking about one easy form of marketing still ignored by many people, the Multilevel marketing.

There's no doubt about it, marketing can be very though. It can be expensive, time-consuming, and frustrating. Perhaps, like me, you have been in so many marketing courses and you feel bad, because you have still not finished them, let alone talking about being successful with the system. At one point you just know, the next fancy marketing tool or course will not do the job for you. But how, will you have this income stream you so badly need?

Do you agree with me, that having an online business is a hell of a ride?

Have you ever heard about Multilevel marketing? If not, click here and I’ll explain it to you.

I want to talk about the business opportunity which you enter when you have Healy. Naturally, people are completely curious with this tiny device clipped in my blouse while I’m walking around somewhere. When people ask what it is, of course, I explain what it does. And if they are curious, I do a quick scan for them so they can see for themselves. If they have more time, I offer a free discovery call. After that call, 80% of the people want their own Healy. You see, it’s nearly effortless. And as the Healy company is very genereours, whith just doing this I not only earned 2000€ in the first 3 months, but they also gifted me a free Healy Resonance Device!

Nothing else in my life until now has been so easy. Of course Healy helped me raise my vibration and attract people who are searching for a frequency device.

So if you want to build a business or have a second income stream then the Healy might be fascinating for you. It is a medical device, recognized officially in Europe and USA. You know, bioresonance has been around for over 100 years and it is more relevant than ever.

Of course, don’t expect the Healy or any device or pill to solve the problems for you. You are a powerful being and living this truth all devices or supplements will help you speed things up and go deeper.

And this is what we all want, isn’t it?


Hello, hello! So I want to talk about marketing today and how easy it can actually be, so I'm

talking about the Healy. As you all know I'm using the Healy, I've been using it since

two months and a half and perhaps you have a product or perhaps you have just your services

and you have been asked me in so many marketing courses and have a funnel and have a freebie

and then have like a sequence of emails and then you have to do..I don't know, how so many posts

and it's quite challenging, it's perhaps even complicated. So I want to talk

about the marketing which happens when you have the Healy, you see my Healy? So I'm here at the

Belgium seaside and I'm just walking around and I've been doing this for about two months

with the Healy. And naturally people are completely curious what this is. You see? Looks like

nothing but you're walking around with it. So I had actually to do of course myself, I'm so

convinced, I'm using it three times a day normally, sometimes not but very often three times a day

and I'm scanning my aura field. I'm doing the coaching scan for my cellphone. I hope you

have then imagine if you have a tool? You see? Just a tool which helps you doing pushing this further

and going deeper actually in your practice and then being able to share this with your clients

and also not only you can help your clients which I do with my clients, the coaching

resonance and helping them with their vibrations. Also my whole family and my animals actually.

So I'm really talking about the business side, the abundant side which comes with the Healy

because what the Healy permits is that you can share. So for marketing

I don't have to do anything just enjoy it myself and I do enjoy it I make sure to enjoy it because

I think like inevitable, it's just such a magic magic tool and my business is all the magic to be a woman

how magic can it get and I integrate Healy totally in my life. And then the only thing I do

I walk around in my life and people ask, people who resonates with it are curious.

They ask "what is it?" and then I explain what it is and most of the people are women and

and everybody around me just wanted to know, just do a scan and then you start doing the scans and

then they read a PDF which comes with the scan and then they feel the frequencies

and then something magic happens because I cannot explain it. It's just natural effortless and as I

said yesterday, in my first month with the Healy, I financed my holiday. How incredible is that?

Nothing else in my life until now has done this. So this is what I wanted to share here with you

If you are interested in frequencies, if you are already working with the law

of attraction having a device like this and you have coming with the device, this huge

field of research, inventor of the thing who is a genius and you have his vision

and you just have to connect to it it's so easy and then you of course receive the frequency. So

business-wise it's so so so easy to talk about the Healy and have people who are interested

about it and you can help them on two levels. You can help them with the frequencies as your clients

and if they want to buy most of them you know what most of them

directly want to buy the Healy themselves because they understand that they do have

the possibility to receive the frequencies on a daily basis so it's just super super easy

form of marketing. I don't have to learn complicated things, I don't have to

study, - actually you can just walk around and then get people

just ask me about it and that's all my marketing so easy.

So if you want to build a business or have a second income stream

then the Healy might be super interesting for you because I in French, I do this for

the moment with my clients, I teach them how to integrate the Healy in my methodology, how

to work with my clients with the Healy. But if you don't have a business and you want the second

income stream then you might be interested in this business model of the Healy which is actually

a very very very generous company. As I said in the first month, I earned my

holidays. So if you are interested, you can send me a message and I'll send you a video explaining

what the Healy is. What the Healy does it's frequency therapy, it's a new form of mixing actually and for

pain here in Europe, it is recognized device used by healers, used by doctors. So there is

a lot of oh I'm searching my English words here I don't know anyways, I don't know the English word

How do you say? It is acknowledged so you don't have to hide or say it's a wowo thing

and when people ask you to explain it no it's already super evident because it's recognized

even by the medical world and then what more can you need? So I've talked enough for today I think.

So now we are having a barbecue here and I'm on the Belgium seaside let me show you a little bit

How can I turn the camera around? I cannot turn the camera around. Okay, it's a camping and

there you see, we are going to watch oh you don't see the sea but we are going to watch the sunset

I'll talk to you tomorrow so if you want to know anything about the Healy

and the business model which comes with it, please let me know and see you tomorrow. Bye.